Video testimonials and their strong influence

video testimonial agency

Customer testimonials have always been a powerful tool for developing trust and confidence in a brand. In today’s competitive digital marketplace, testimonials are even more critical than ever. But what about the changing nature of testimonials? And why go with a video testimonial when it is so much easier to collect and post testimonials in text? Here are the reasons why video testimonials should be an ongoing part of your marketing strategy. A. The Trust Factor “If you read it...

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UpCity – One of the Top Video Producers

We were recently advised by our UpCity rep that Impact Marketing was named one of the top video production providers. That's fantastic! We do great work for companies and agencies locally in Atlanta, nationally and internationally. Thanks UpCity! Please check out my UpCity listing here.

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Video Marketing Strategy

video marketing strategy

Over the last several years, companies have added video is a key part of their marketing approach. Done right, there's no more effective tool out there. According to Hubspot, 62% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI today. But as with anything done well, you have to follow a good production methodology. Sure, there'll be opportunities for ad hoc types of videos showing staff, etc. But for most of the videos you...

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